Any more questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help. We would love to hear from you.

English and French. Chinese is an added Language for the After School Program.

Since interactive play is usually physical in nature, it is strictly supervised by an adult/ teacher to curb any form of bullying and to prevent injury.

There are steps curated for these processes and parents or carers are not excluded. When and if the need arises for separation, transition and promotion, there will be a discussion between the two parties and a consensus reached.

School starts at 7:30am(drop off) and at the reception area.

School closes at 2:30 ( Except for After School Program). You register at the reception and collect your child there.

Snack break is at 10:00am and Lunch is at 12:00pm each School day. Snack and lunch are provided at a fee and it is optional.

At the school’s Administration.

It depends on the severity. You will be contacted immediately if severe and taken to a medical facility. If not, we will administer first aid and notify you as soon as possible.

There is time allotted for each class to have outdoor play. In cases where all of them are on the playground, there will be strict supervision by assigned staff.

The Administrative Department will give you that information and you will have a chance to meet the teacher one on one.